Friday, October 10, 2014

American Foreign Policy a mere Excuse

The habit of American Foreign policy to invade so called socialist countries is just a mere excuse to get what bounty they want. For example, the Bay of Pigs invasion, Overthrown of Salvador Allende Gossens, Breakup of Communism, invasion of destruction of Yugoslavia, trying to give Boris Yeltsin more support and others.

Fast forward, the US led invasion of Iraq and the support of Arab spring. Oh wait, the Arab spring is not an Arab nationalism but a foreign backed intrusion, paving the way for extremism and religious fundamentalism in the region.

The former Yugoslav states would join the European Union, with the staunch exception of Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska. By bombing Serbia, Bill Clinton got Monica Lewinsky out of the picture and being hailed as a hero by Kosovo Albanian terrorists and the brainwashed masses while in Serbia, America funded the pro-Western movement, notably by Vojislav Koštunica and making sure the "evil" Slobo would be toppled and sent to the Hague. Slobo was evil internally but did no threats to America not its allies which is mind bobbling.

The Yeltsin experiment was a total failure and the Russian people chose former KGB or Soviet era people(of course they ate not anymore commies) fot the stability of their country. Only in Russia, America failed. 

Of course there are still social democracies in Europe or at least, political parties that America wants to control to make an excuse to promote forced democracy or unfair capitalism. The habit of it is always an excuse. I dare now Barrack Hussein Obama to invade North Korea. If he does not, it is an excuse because it would be a nuclear war not just with the evil regime but also with China. That would be the war of the devils because they are the true evils of society and not Russia nor Chile nor the former Yugoslav republics.

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