Friday, October 31, 2014

Strip him of the Nobel Peace Prize!

Better strip Barrack Hussein Obama of the Nobel Peace Prize. The reason? Simple. Bombing countless socialist countries for his own version of pseudo-communism. Being a bloodthirsty on Orthodox Christians and other Christians. Supporting Sunni extremists. Being madman. And an inevitable lier!!!

Well, one Russian politician is my voice here. From RT:

More and more international experts are calling Obama’s presidency dark times. The reason for that is the brutal policy that he is conducting all over the world, like Napoleon or Hitler had done before. But I want to warn Obama so that he pays more attention to history and understands that he can end up like Hitler,” MP Roman Khudyakov said in an interview with Izvestia daily.

Khudyakov is not the first Russian politician who has suggested stripping the US President of his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. In August this year, the head of the LDPR party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, wrote in a public address that Obama was not worthy of the honor.

Zhirinovsky stated that the fact that the Peace Prize was given to Obama in 2009 caused bewilderment from the very beginning – the award went to the man who had occupied his post for less than a year and had not claimed any real achievements, but instead started wars in the Mideast, Afghanistan and Ukraine. The Russian politician added that he himself had worked in the Peace Committee and previously the whole world had been proud of Nobel laureates. He noted that giving the Peace Prize to Obama “had done huge damage” but the mistake could still be corrected.

Obama wants to add insult to injury as usual. He never saw the rights of people without diplomacy but showing America's military might while disregarding hiw own people for the sake of imperialism and complete world dominance.

Supporting the Arab spring turned it into a Sunni Spring instead, making Syria's statehood in perils, and the Iraq's last stand with the ISIS. Egypt ousted a Sunni backed Morsi for a military government that made ammends with the Coptic Orthodox Christians and stopped the trie source of violence, negating the effects of the Arab spring.

In Ukraine, Obama sent John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John McCain to support the release of Ukrainian traitor Yulia Tymoshenko and the provocation of Vladimir Putin, to show the world Russia is still USSR. 

Obama, your one big LIER!!!

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