Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vatican's LGBT crusade

This is a slap to the face for Conservative Christians like ne regardless of my sect or affliation because of the Vatican's support for gay rights and conservatives knew what abomination to the Church law means even if i don't believe in the Catholic church anymore.

You know what to do right but you still made it wrong, to appease the greater public?!?! Is the Vatican joining the Lutheran or Anglican churches in appeasing the gay community just to get some members? During Pope Benedict XVI(i am a critic)'s tenure as pope, this never happened even if his country(Germany) allowed gay rights and he is somewhat, a conservative which is ok to this ever changing times.

Pope Francis, i thought was a good man. Ok, don't tell me these human or i am simply human but instead of correcting it, he let the LGBT activists destroy the basic element of society, which is a family. How can families these days create a baby when it doesn't have a wife husband partnership? Of course! That's the point. I was studying back then at high school and the teacher asked, "would it be fine if a family has two fathers and if it is good by morality?" That question is the answer itself of course!

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