Saturday, December 26, 2015

Je Suis Srbija

For more than 5 years, my sympathy to Serbia/Srbija is intact and never withered whether I was with my family or even when I have the freedom all in my hands. It's safe to say the Serbs got challenged a lot this time around. Having nothing but faith and resiliency, I know they can regain Kosovo, economic power and regional prestige once their own freedom from Western backed politicians and internal problems will be gone.

I fell in love with this country in search of my self too. I took the name Lazar as my baptismal name in honor of the saint-prince of Serbia, Saint Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović. I currently own a Serbian flag and I am proud of it. It just shows how Serbia still has friends besides the Russians and other foreigners from other countries. I am not Serbian, I am Filipino-Japanese but my blog is also for the revival of the Serbian nation as a whole.

I saw the Serbs' resiliency starting from their foundation as Serbs, resisting Catholicism thanks to St. Sava, the expansion under Emperor Dušan the mighty, the sacrifice of Prince Lazar in Kosovo, the Turkish domination and migration to other lands, two World Wars where Serbs lost their lives, the communist rule, the Yugoslav wars and the continuing resistance to Westernization and finding Russia as a big brother.

With all said, I know that Serbia can become a regional power once it becomes independent again and retakes Kosovo. It's God's will to test the Serbs as a nation and their undying faith to God and the Orthodox Church, which Serbs are continuing to adhere despite waves of persecution.

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