Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rewinding 2015 before the New year

2015 is one hell of a year for me. It's one of the worst parts in my life but after the storms I encountered, the better came. It's a part in my life where there is a deep scar but on the long run, I will recover. It's also sad to mention I still miss my baby, now in heaven and will try to be a better person by 2016. God gives us something to fight for. Fight for our work, faith and our standing to other people.

I will not make my article too long because I am in a hurry going to my best friend. I want to thank everyone that helped me all the way to regain my lost passion to become a better person and thank God that one of my prayers had been granted.

This is my last post for this year and I will resume posting anytime this coming 2016.

Signing out.
Lazar +++

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