Sunday, April 16, 2017

Hristos Voskrese

Hristos Voskrese! Vaistinu Voskrese!
Christ is risen! Indeed he is risen!

I will make a reflection of the wonderful celebration of Uskrs or Pasha(pas-ha) during the liturgy. When I was serving in the Easter Liturgy, I am being anxious a bit since last year, I am like error-prone. Well, this year, I still have a bad left thumb, even if I can work and serve in the altar, I still have to wear a protective gauze to protect the wound from the elements. Yes....

But, thankfully everyone was energetic, me and my fellow altar servers were alert and very attentive and that God gave us the energy through the hours of waiting for his resurrection. I will tell something: with God, nothing is impossible! God destroyed death by his death and fulfilled his promise: to rise up from the dead. With that alone, the sign that he is truly, our God. The Trinitarian God that we always pray to, come for and dedicate our lives. So, every Uskrs, let's go, attend and be in one with God's true miracle!

During the reading of John 1:1-17, I read it on my own language(Filipino) with the proper church tone. Thankfully, I nailed it. And also during the preparation of prosphoras, even if I can't slice when there's people, I make sure to help them prepare.

And lastly, after the great Easter Liturgy, have a feast and conversation with the people there. I am still having a hard time speaking Srpski but thanks to my command of the English language, I won't have difficulties sharing my feelings about being an Orthodox Christian and the blessing God is giving me.

After 3 hours, everyone cleaned and started to go. I went with other parishioners and greeted everyone with the usual Uskrs greetings.

Hristos Voskrese, Vaistinu Voskrese!

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