Friday, March 17, 2017

Michael Savage and Teddy assaulted, suspect not detained

What I mentioned back in September about open season on Right wingers, Conservatives, Libertarians and the awakened Liberals. Well, the assault on Michael Savage and his poodle "Teddy" was just one of the heinous crimes I would ever here in my lifetime. The mood of the police not to arrest the assailant was also disturbing. Seems the most of the police in LIBERAL-dominated areas are still under George Soros. Don't wonder why.

When you are a Trump supporter, you will be punched, shoved after calling your real name. Teddy was shoved, and got scared. The good Samaritan who tried to intervene was assaulted too.

Being part of the Trump victory, Savage is a primary target of LEFTist fascists all the time. Just look at Berkeley, Quebec shootings, Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone and others! And now, the Godfather of Trumpania himself?

California, LIBERAL-infested state. But the town where it happened was not even a hotspot by LIBERALs. No one cared until the incident two days ago. A senior citizen, his pet dog and another man was assaulted. But since the senior citizen was a Trump supporter, the police never done anything. Justice can't be served yet even if Trump is the president. I guess he is so busy fighting the enemies from his own party.

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