Sunday, November 22, 2015

My First Experience as an altar server

First and foremost, I wished to serve in the altar when my services are needed. With that said, I just follow the people's word these and that. It went smoothly, thankfully. Waking up early and going there early is also hectic but when you think of God's power, nothing is impossible.

The funny thing on being an altar server is that I requested for an L size vestment and I almost slipped a lot of times but thankfully, I didn't fall. Next time, I will use M sized because I am getting thinner since I am on a diet regimen. Practice makes perfect though. I managed to nail almost everything except for some but I can get used to it as time passes.

It could have been God's blessing since these are the things I am expecting to contribute to the church. It's an honor as well since God sees my struggles and it's obvious no matter how many criticisms I get from my parents, who obviously vehemently oppose my conversion and to colleagues who will lay out simple yet innocent criticisms since of course, we need to tell them what it is really and it is unlike on the other side.

Hopefully, I can be a regular altar server and my faith in God is enriched through these simple but things I can participate along with other people who go to church and with all the saints, in communion with God's true church.

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