Monday, July 6, 2015

Future of Greece-NO vote

People in Greece said NO to the bailout deal by their EU captors. Simply, the start of the European Union's fall and the fall of forced economic policies. Em I right that the EU starts to collapse without even one of their main slaves? Why I used the term slave?

Because for the past few years, the Greek economy is stagnant because of the EU's forced economic policies while it is making a political and religious revenge against the Greeks. Here is a disclaimer: I am an anti-communist but what those commies did along with other democratic parties did to appeal the NO vote is critical of pushing out the EU from the Greek economy.

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras praised the NO vote and he quoted in twitter: "Our immediate priority is to restore our banking system functioning and economic stability".

Of course the Iceland situation was different from the Greek one but with Greece reverting back to their old currency meant they don't have to be a slave to EU trade and have their own economic policies. Just watch the movie Weight of Chains and see why I support the NO vote. Becomig a province of EU has a lot of implications because EU controls everything when you join. Selling your banks and becoming somewhat of an EU slave state.

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