Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Serbian government being Incompetent

This one captured my thinking. Just think of what Aleksandar Vučić is playing a role on this. So does another traitor that goes by the name of Ivica Dačić and liberals in Serbia that are willing to sell Kosovo and the position in Macedonia, to the irrate of the Greek government..

The Greek media outlet quoted unnamed "foreign ministry circles" who said that "Serbia lately made a series of incomprehensible moves, exerting pressure in the European Union to settle the (Macedonian) name issue." 

According to this, Athens is also troubled by "information about the alleged pressure on Greece to recognize Kosovo." 

The circles then "pointed out that in practice, Serbia has in fact sought closer relations with Kosovo, despite the public image it is creating on the home front." 

That's incompetent for me especially the fact that Vučić not Dačić wasn't mentioned in the article but I know, they are behind this fuss and recently, the stupidity for money. 

What would you do with the money if your land had been sold for less than what you have or been taken away without your consent? I don't just say these things because I am concerned but because Kosovo is the pinnacle of Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries that stand firm for hundreds of years, surviving the Ottoman invasion, Ustaše regime but not the NATO invasion and uranium-filled bombardment..

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