Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Justice?/Nema Pravde?

This sounds rhetoric on my part but I am hoping no conlifct would happen, because of racism on both sides, especially the Croatian side. Banning the Cyrillic in Vukovar were Serbs constitute around 30% and some small towns inside are Serb majority or having a mayor themselves as Serbs and not Croats.

"If the EU can allow a member country to ban the use of a nation's alphabet, to ban the memory of the Serbs who no longer exist in Croatia, or are very few, if it can allow such things, the question is, what are EU's values? Are we, in that case, ready for the EU, if the EU cannot react to a clear example of racism?" --Aleksandar Vulin

Remember, Croatia/Hrvatska is a member of the European Union/Evropska Unija which the constitution of member states is the protection of minorities with full rights. Croatia won't even dare to respect it even if EU is something I am not fond of.

Here's the thing though: Why does the Croats in Serbia or in the autonomous region of Vojvodina enjoy rights that their Serb counterparts in Croatia doesn't enjoy. Serbia is not a member of the grand family of economic plundering European Union but has rights given to the Croats, Albanians, Romani, Gorani, Hungarians, Slovaks and others that respect themselves as Serbs when it comes to citizenship while keeping their local culture intact.

When did you see the Vojska Hrvatska protect the Serb minorities. Not even once. Even those Hrvati that protected the Srbi(Josip Kir, Milan Levar and others that acted as humans than savages) are killed. Where is the sense of justice even if the EU puts minor sanctions on Hrvatska?

See! As long as the HDZ and other anti-Serb political parties in Hrvatska exists, racism on a larger scale continues while the world DOESN'T CARE about the plight of the Serbs.

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