Sunday, August 2, 2015

No one gets outraged with these!

For sometime, I thought of articles that would fit to people's liberal ideas but it's not on my mind though. Things liberals won't even be outraged of because for them, these things are nothing to them. Take in mind back in 2004, when the Our Lady of Ljeviš icon was damaged or the church that housed it was burned, damaged and as of this day, it hasn't been restored to full importance.

Crkva Svetog Ilije or Saint Elijah Church in Podujevo was destroyed last 2006, rebuilt. It was this church that was shown in a lot of YouTube videos that was attacked by Albanian extremists who even shouted Allahu Akbhar while destroying it but people doesn't care since for the new world, religion is nothing but a thing of the past.

This one is one of the most horrifying things I would say about the World's ignorance. On February 16, 2001, a Serbian bus bound for Gračanica from Niš exploded via a remote controlled bomb inside on of the bus of 7. Take note that they are well guarded by British and Swedish KFOR envoys. 11 died instantly. Those Albanians who were caught for admitting the crime were either freed or escaped prison and no one cares.

One of the things I am discussing since the Syrian Civil War, what appears to be the United States supporting their ISIS and Sunni extremist friends is causing not just the Shiites to be killed but Sunnis, Yazidis and most of all Christians. Christians lived side by side with the Jews, Muslims(Sunnis but more freely with Shiites), Yazidis and others before the Syrian rebels tried to make a revolution for themselves. What happened is the persecution of every Christian, Yazidi, Shiite, Sunnis who never supported the ISIS and Obama that seemed to calloused to me since in Syria, the Greek Orthodox Christians support Bashar Al-Assad or see their lives destroyed with either the rebels or the ISIS. So does in Iraq that Kurds have to take over their own territory. But no one cares again.

In Ukraine, a nun named Sister Alevtina of Kiev's Florivsky Convent was killed by strangulation and that same day, a priest named Fr. Roman Nikolaev of the Church of St. Tatiana in Kiev died after gunshot wounds and fought for his life three days prior. It could seem that the deaths were, they are under the Moscow Patriarchate since there are churches in Ukraine proper that are aligned with Moscow's Patriarch Kiril and acting outside of political ifnluence, which churches outside of it are aligned with the government or some extremists who hate Russians or Ukrainians who doesn't align themselves with Poroshenko and others are deemed unfit to live despite their obvious non-alignment.

As I said, no one gets outraged but people who has the wisdom will recognize these things since it would define their views on the current situation in this world.

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