Thursday, August 13, 2015

When will the Russophibic sentiment stop?

I hear about crazy stuff in the saga of US and EU vs Russia alone. How's that possible? Just because Vladimir Putin is a former KGB member doesn't mean you have to support these sanctions. Or the invasions supported by Russia like South Ossetia, Abkhazia and the latest is Crimea...I posted something about the bad effects of Russophobia but it seems people are not awaken..

What if I say the church is the church there and it doesn't support the cult of personality of Vladimir Putin? Or the sanctions gave the local Russian farmers through the Kremlin's LAVRA iniative? That's not bad socialism unlike the ones during the communist times. I know for one second Vladimir Putin wants to revive the Soviet System or at least 1% of it but the current system is far from what even I think. Communism is dead. Democracy is what the people chose and despite some coups that happen and economic collapse, people of Russia stayed by these democratic system, which the West didn't saw because they were too damn busy spreading Russophobia by any means.

Something is wrong with what the world thinks of Russia. Even one of the G-7 member Shinzo Abe wants to have multiple talks to Russia because of its anti-war pacifism. How come Barack Hussein Obama and the others wanted war? After getting Ukraine's rich rice farms and possible oil routes, wants Russian oil to supply the ISIS and the fascist rebels.. WHY on the lowest possible degrading hatred does this guy want to destroy Russia? Not just economically or politically but also because Russia uphelds what God gave them? Of course Russia is the third Rome of the age of Kingdoms and Empires but these days, Obama wants to eliminate all opposition by claiming he is right in destroying a country that never attacked his in the 21st century alone.

Communism only exists as a legal political party on some democracies, the most notable is Moldova. Russia is like mixed socialist and capitalist system. The reason PBC CSKA Moscow is one of the richest clubs in Europe or Roma Abramovich still owns Chelsea FC despite the sanctions or the Ruble isn't much affected by the Obamite sanctions is the craziest reality people won't hear on the media too often.

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