Monday, June 30, 2014

Marijuana legalization is a mess

Well, i wouldn't be on the mood to write this due to my personal problems but let me tell my insights about this one. I may ask my readers if they will choose to stay healthy or become a marijuana dependent people. If i would be using drugs, i won't even use illegal ones. That's why it is not LEGAL! But here's the thing though, even if it is legal, i won't use Marijuana.

Despite many health benefits marijuana had, too much of it can cause brain damage. Imagine the quote, "too much love can kill" or the deadly effects of too much painkillers ingested. That's my rough yet literal explanation.

I just felt awkward when Barrack Hussein Obama legalized this. After that, taxpayers were more robbed by the Federal government in just days! Days i tell you! In Colorado, the State is getting more than $4 Million in cash due to Marijuana. So, i came to a conclusion that it is the tactics of the Democrats to get more money.

Hasn't the Democrats knew how many people are starving in America or paying the price of injustice or suffering from low wages? Maybe they care about the escalating the crisis in Syria, Ukraine and a possible Iraq invasion 2.0(Russia is reluctantly helping there too) or creating a world domination. Obama doesn't care about the multi-ethnic American people but likes to destroy it for his Eastward expansionist policy.

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