Sunday, June 15, 2014

Obamacare, LGBT extremism and Obama's lies

We weren't even told by the Western media that what drives Barrack Hussein Obama to bomb Ukraine, Syria and not to support the Iraqi government against the ISIL is these i would mention. It comes to my mind not just the drone attacks on innocent civies in Pakistan or Yemen but as well as Obamacare and LGBT extremism. Why? His worthless two pro-LGBT extremism and pro-abortion Obamacare.

Obamacare and its pro-abortion stance:

Why would Democrats in the US Congress create a pro-abortion bill that the subsidies from every tax collected from Americans(rich and poor), would be signed by Barrack Hussein Obama? This is, however a plan by Obama to bring forth a new era of anti-religious policies in the continuing ultra-liberalization in the world. He doesn't care if the Obamacare would affect Christians or Muslims or Jews or other religions as long as the defected and unwanted babies by undesiring parents would be killed on a woman's womb before it fully develops. Hey, correct me but, this is an act of murder. I may not know politics well but being a religious man means that the pro-abortion Obamacare is a pretense of self-defeating of America's internal policies. If the Americans read this, be alarmed more on Obamacare than any other laws on the US Congress itself.

Supporting the LGBT extremism:

Barrack Hussein Obama is somehow mislead that gays are part of the rising American society. But what negative effects of the LGBT extremism is that i want to elaborate.
1. Not in the best interest of Children.
2. The children of tomorrow will be infected by unhealthy lifestyle

I want to elaborate only two because there are some of those to deep for a stupid guy like me but i want to make a point anyways. If you want a complete article, this should do it. The Negative effects of LGBT mariage.

Obama doesn't know that every children has a mother and father. If you combine two fathers for a children or two mothers, how would morality grow? Is this mean that any objection to the new laws in every American state that made the pro-LGBT laws an integral part of their society would mean punishment? Like for the example of a Colorado cake maker named Jack Philips from Colorado who denied the gay couples Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins a wedding cake because of Jack Philips's Christian belief. The judge and Civil Rights Commission made a threat. Bake the gay couples a cake or lose their job. Colorado has a constitutional ban against gay marriage but allows civil unions. The civil union law, which passed earlier this year, does not provide religious protections for businesses. Which means the poor baker must alienate his beliefs instead of harming a political movement of anti-Christs and anti-religious forces!

What about the Youth of the Nation? What will happen when Obama is continuing to brainwash kids to become Gays and Lesbians and ignore the true integral part of every family? While the world is being invaded by NATO, America and EU, Americans and Europeans are now being stupified by these pro-abortion, pro-lgbt and anti-russian and anti-semitic attitudes while their children are more in danger.

I have one message for Americans and Europeans that have same sex protection laws in their country. Either repel these anti-religious laws or live with the future Satanists!

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