Monday, June 16, 2014

Would anything change with US-Iran dialogue over Iraq?

I am pondering of another Iraqi invasion by the United States army. Yes! United States army. I tell you. But with Iran? Could enemies unite? History shows a lot as well. But these are former allies when one betrayed the other to support another and gets  embarrassed by that group. Let's take you back in time when i am a firm supporter and the Shah and criticizes the American decisions against the Shah.

I support the Shah and his family. Modernizing Iran as much as they could to be a counter-balance on Saudi Arabia, a traditional enemy and religious rival as well. You know, Shia vs Sunni Muslims. But i don't mind that. What matters for the Shah is a superpower Iran that can compete against any country. It is a showcase of what an Asian power can be if it stayed the same. There are rumors that America is syphoning the riches of Iran, but it is truly subsidized for his people. Educated citizens, no need to go abroad, a rising economy and emancipation of all women.

That all changed when US secretly supported the radical Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Faced with betrayal and a mere cheap shot by oil greedy American government, Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi as no choice but to have himself exiled in Egypt and Panama and back to Egypt were he died while going under the knife as he is battling cancer in 1980. It meant that America has no true friends, not even its own people. And the women in Iran are back to centuries old style while the radical Shiite government turned on Jimmy Carter and that meant the Iran hostage crises.

Back to 2014, what is Barrack Obama thinking? Alienating his Sunni friends for his Shiite foes? As i will tell everyone, History is very twisted!

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