Tuesday, June 23, 2015

EU should end


Like the Comintern, Warsaw pact and others that ended, EU should end as well. Because of the Greece-EU talks breaking down, for me European Union is just a marketing tool by the West to deprive countries of their own currency.

Here's the thing though. Iceland has to do one drastic thing and reverted to the Icelandic Krona despite remaining with the EU. That's right. Having their own currency back.

The Greek issue could be more different. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras could strike a deal, defining the start of the end for a one European currency, not just for his country but to the whole of Europe. Leading to the destruction of the EU are countries on its own sphere that can't rise to the occasion. 

I am not an economist but I heard a lot of times having a single currency is bad for a lot of states. If EU wants to survive, let its member states have control of their own economy and never inject political issues to each other. Look at some states. Spain is in crisis. Portugal. How about Czech Republic and Slovenia? Hungary. Examples that made the EU expendable at all means.

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