Monday, June 1, 2015

The American Puppet

I am a bit pissed whenever Srpski Premijer Aleksandar Vučić aka Superman would try to play Amerika's heroj AGAIN. Let's face it. He is not letting money go away in favor of giving up Kosovo and annoying his best friend, Srspki Presdesnik Tomislav Nikolić, whom I feel has some secret feud going on. Let's say Toma wants to have EU but would not sacrifice ties with Rusija while Vučić would prefer money than his country.

Going to the Tirana for some fishy meeting, he mentioned he wants to cut back the dependency of gas from Russia.

AP said that "in a major policy shift, the Serbian prime minister said his country will accept U.S. calls to reduce dependency on Russian gas by adding an American-backed pipeline that would bring gas to Europe from Azerbaijan."

"Regarding energy safety, energy security, we are ready to diversify the sources of gas for Serbia, which is very important for our American friends as well," Vučić said.

The news agency said that the United States "has been encouraging Balkan and other states to move forward with the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, which will take Azeri gas from the Caspian Sea to Italy, rather than setting its hopes on another project that would pipe Russian gas through Turkey."

Serbia is further described by AP as "a traditional Russian ally that wants to join the European Union," and one that "has already expressed interest in the Moscow-backed pipeline project dubbed Turkish Stream" - adding that "supporting the alternative American-backed pipeline is a major policy shift by Serbia which could be viewed with unease in Moscow."

 He's such a shame. Why can't he be ashamed that these same American partners he refers are the same country that bombarded Srbija with cluster bombs containing depleted Uranium and killing thousands of innocent civilians, turning Kosovo from a Serb-dominated to an Albanian dominated and the poor Serbs are being cheated by their Prime Minister, all in the name of fame and money!

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