From my thoughts or what I witnessed in news alone..This sums up what Kosovo and the FSA/ISIS connection...
We all know Jihadists poured in to Kosovo since 1999, assimilated the local Albanians to Wahhabist foreign ideology and most of all, training grounds for a great Wahhabist war against Christians, Jews and Muslims. Earning money from illegal drug trades, the infamous Kosovo Organ Theft and the support of Bill Clinton through Barack Hussein Obama, the occupied state of Kosovo serves as a training ground for not just the KLA or the Kosovo Army but also the Fake Syrian Army, Al-Nusra and the dreadded ISIS.
Calling Kosovo the young Europeans makes me sick of some pro-terrorist propagandists in the Western media. It's not a country! I'm so sick of it!!! Kosovo was stolen since 1999 under the rapist and murederer Bill Clinton and yet the world praises him for Dayton accords and threatening to bomb Srbija more if Slobo will not stop defending Srbija from invaders?!?! This is so sick for the cirrent times!!! I can't believe these things are happening!
Foreign fighters poured to Syria or Iraq also came from Jihadists from Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania.....But they will go to hell.....
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