Thursday, July 3, 2014

Patrijarh Irinej Kritike Vatikan

Well, some say that Patrijarh Irinej isn't true to the church like Patrijarh Vartolomej. Or these ecumenism topics. He is always there for the Serbian people regardless of all the criticisms he got. The reason why someone is elected a Patriarch is not because of needs but because he is what God truly chosen for the people's spiritual life. That is according to me. A direction for everyone is needed and not for supporting malevolent actions by some opportunists. If he is not true to his job as the Patriarch of the Serbian people, see what he has to say on the planned canonization of the war criminal Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac:

In an interview for Politika published in Sunday, SPC Patriarch Irinej said the announcements from the Vatican that Stepinac could be canonized by the end of the year came as “a great surprise” for the Serbian Orthodox dignitaries – “because in order for someone to be a saint, they must be a truly shining and holy personality and be accepted as such by other Christians.”

See! A true saint is recognized by other Christians to be at least an inspiration because of his Godly deeds or for the people. This things is not what you would hear from ecumenists. Ecumenists are always politically correct in the sense of religion. But this is what i heard and a stern warning as well to the Vatican not to canonize people that are involved in the persecution of the Srpska Narod during WWII by the Nezavisna Država Hrvatska and the Catholic Church itself to wipe out the Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva! This makes me shame more against my former Christian sect and any i will forever denounce this church that seeks to become a political institution rather than a true Christian church that more than a billion knew!

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