Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Superman is destroying Srbija!

How would someone tell himself that selling a part of your land for a greater membership will lead to economic changes? I am going nuts on this stupid decision. What the hell is he doing? Oh, when i was reading a B92 article, i saw this Seven points as well. One of the statements was like, Serbia must sign legally binding statement with Kosovo.

If i would sell a part of my country, it was like Alexander II of Russia sold Alaska to the United States for hard currency, leaving Alaska's Russians vulnerable to American expansionism, continued to this day by means of the crisis in Ukraine.

For more than 600 years, gosh, Kosovo has the most beautiful Serbian churches that survived almost every war and just gets rebuilt in time. However, Milosrdni Anđeo would start the exodus of Serbs from Kosovo and like, 8% of the original Serbs in Kosovo remained, as the world is remaining to close their eyes on a state that suffered a lot, this is s true slap in the face of the gatekeepers of Europe. Yes, i would repeat it, true slap in the face of the gatekeepers who kept out the Ottomans, Austrians and Germans from dominating the whole Balkans forever whether it is by the Communist Partisans or Royalist Chetniks.

Please Superman, think wisely before doing something bad!

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