Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What happens in Ukrajina happened before in Srbija

Sergey Lavrov mentioned that:
We have reason to believe that the leading European countries understand their responsibility for what is happening in Ukraine. We want the US to join [the EU in] understanding this responsibility

Which make sense since this same EU and NATO were the ones responsible for bombing innocent civies in Srbija. Who would deny this travestry? Anyways, America feels proud of supporting a regime that kills its own people and hepless minorities while using the National Endownment for Democracy to lash out any signs of anti-democratic Democracies, replacing them with fake democratic and anti religious EU laws.

Who wants to be a colony on their right mind when you know your economy, political and spiritual foundation will crumble once you join the dark side?

Vojska Rusije is there but doing a passive way to protect the Russian minorities and Ukrainians who leaned toward Rusija just to avoid being the evil guy? What's wrong with Vlady? At least use the same Vojski to just even protect and not attack. That way would be justifiable since it can hold its own against combined NATO armed attack until China betrays it in the end. Unlike Srbija that was alone and destroyed while Boris Jelcin failed with his liberalization policies and not helping their Slave Braća!

Of course Srbija doesn't have nuclear arms but was able to hold its own until its civilians are being bombed into submission. Rusija needs to learn what happened in 1999 or else, its minorities and the true Ukrainians will be bombed to submission like how America wants every mineral and oil pipelines in the world!

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