Friday, May 9, 2014

God of Justice

Bože pravde

Bože pravde, ti što spase
od propasti dosad nas,
čuj i odsad naše glase
i od sad nam budi spas.

Moćnom rukom vodi, brani
budućnosti srpske brod,
Bože spasi, Bože hrani,(*)
srpske zemlje, srpski rod!(*)

Боже правде, ти што спасе
од пропасти досад нас,
чуј и одсад наше гласе
и од сад нам буди спас.

Моћном руком води, брани
будућности српске брод,
Боже спаси, Боже xрани,(*)
српске земље, српски род!(*)

God of Justice, You who saved us
From disasters till this day,
Hear from now on, our voices,
And from now on, save us!

Defend with Your mighty hand,
That very future Serbia walks to,
God save; God protect,(*)
Serbian lands and Serbian people!(*)

To be honest, i am memorizing it although it is just by 30% yet it is on my heart 100%. I am a Serb by heart and that will not change since i hoped to go there. Whether for good reasons, i will be, and always be a Serbophile. When i became a Naturalized Serbian citizen, i will recite this national anthem always because it mentions that in life, there is a God of justice which is our one and only Trinitarian God. We will not let the changing times affect our morals and visions for a better society, through this beautiful national anthem and we memorize it by heart.

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