Thursday, May 22, 2014

The cost of greediness

Why was oil created? why on earth that people will do anything to get their hands on oil? Is it because of advanced economics or just plain greediness of every people?

Were are we? Since Saudi Arabia became an oil exporter during the 1950's, it turned the desert into an economic battlefield to were the world powers will try their best to get those dreadded oil. Iran was the viable American source of oil and boomed through an enlightened Shah until they threw him out for the Ayatollah who made American plans backfire. There are also small oil producers, one of them, Syria which the world turns a blind eye on what is truly happening.

Remember the Ba'ath party? I haven't researched it well but their motives as Arab nationalism has nothing to do with enforcing Islam or any other religion but the emancipation of every Arabs in the middle east. It is safe to say that Arab nationalism made oil just an ordinary resources until Americans and other big powers have tried their best to get Syrian oil. What is worst is that, the world doesn't know that Syria is a rubrics cube for American and Turkish ambitions by sending mercenaries to help the Fake Syrian Army but failed miserably.

Well, anytime, another Račak(staged genocide in Kosovo by using fake bodies of mercenaries as victims) is looming in Syria and Ukraine, America is showing how it cares less for its people. Ron Paul once said, "promoting democracy is killing democracy". Turkey will provoke Syria while NATO are establishing bases near Russia and will stage another "genocide" to pose as an act of treachery and self-indulging moment of happiness by these greedy people.

If you didn't know Cain and Abel in the bible, Cain was jealous of his younger brother Abel, the reason he killed him. Or the tower of Babel. where God made multiple languages to confuse human. That is when humans go beyond what they have in life.

I am concerned that, in my home country, people do this parading of a black statue of Christ(Nazareno) but they use it for personal gain and not for the better of this nation. Even politicians are scrambling for their pork barrel. The news about artists are much better than solving the crisis in water and electricity.

While those happen, natural catastrophies happen elsewhere. Would we wait for the worst part to happen or we take action? Ok, i am a single person making propaganda stuff but this is my goal. To wake up everyone like a few would want, an ideal society where greed has no place and everyone are equal.

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