Monday, May 19, 2014

Samo sloga Srbina spasava-Only Unity Saves the Serbs


Samo sloga Srbina spasava/Само слога Србина спасава/Only Unity Saves the Serbs
is an unofficial motto used in Serbia and a popular slogan among Serbs, often used as a rallying call against foreign domination and during times of national crisis.

The phrase is an interpretation of what is taken to be four Cyrillic letters for "S" (written С) on the Serbian cross. These symbols are more commonly known to be "firesteels" (Serbian: оцила / ocila, and were taken from Byzantine heraldry in the Late Middle Ages.
Popular tradition attributes the motto St. Sava (12th century) the first Metropolitan of Žiča and Archbishop of Serbs of the Serbian Orthodox Church. According to the story, St. Sava called for the creation of an independent church in Serbia that would remain Orthodox, and uttered the phrase to urge the Serbian people to declare national autonomy and resist domination by the Roman Catholic Church.

This song, i have this on my iphone and if i had the chance to play it, i will. Besides, it is one of the songs i am rooting for besides the "God of Justice" and others. I will not let my heart for this country diminish yet, improve more and more.

Here is the lyrics by the Serbian rock band, :


Only Unity Saves the Serb

I know that everyboy is against Serbia
But the Serbs are fed up
I know that there's an agreement with Heaven:
Who hits you with a rock, hit him with bread
But until when (can it go on like that), until when
The whole World is beginning to hate us
And everybody was very quick,
And on every one of our symbols
They're throwing bombs, sticks and stones
But until when, until when
Now that they are dropping bombs on us
Serbs are no longer fighting each other
Because our motto is
That Only Unity Saves the Serb
That Only Unity Saves the Serb
All those that we once defended
Would now like to bury us
They'll scratch themselves even where it's not itching
Only when they realize who the Serbs are
The'll understand one day, they'll understand one day
There's is no greater tragedy
Than being from Serbia
Today the whole world is rooting
for the dismantling of Yugoslavia
But it can't go on like that, it can't go on like that
Let them land on the ground
Then, instead of singing
I'll look them in the eyes
And shoot without hesitating
Hey, it could be done like that, help us God

Знам да су сви против Србије
али Србима дозлогрдило је
знам да постоји договор с' небом
ко тебе каменом, ти њега хлебом
али докле тако, али докле тако
Читав је свет почео да нас мрзи
и сви су били веома брзи
и на свако наше знамење
бацају бомбе, дрвље и камење
али докле тако, али докле тако
Сад кад нас бомбама гађају
Срби се више не свађају
јер наше гесло саопштава
да само слога Србина спашава
да само слога Србина спашава
Сви они које смо бранили
сада би нас сахранили
чешаће се где их не сврби
тек када схвате ко су Срби
једном ће схватити, једном ће схватити
Нема горе трагедије
него бити из Србије
данас цео свет навија
да се разбије Југославија
али не може тако, али не може тако
Нека се спусте на земљу
онда ћу уместо певања
погледати их у очи
и пуцати без оклевања
е, тако већ може, помози нам, Боже.

For every Serbs out there, this is one of my favorite songs that make me feel like i am protecting this beautiful and resilient country.

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