Thursday, May 22, 2014

West denies Jacenjuk regime as fascists

So, BBC and CNN continue to describe foreign backed Fascists in Ukraine as peaceful protesters even when these right wing parties are known to them. So why the West wants the Yatsenyuk regine to continue?

Of course, geopolitical strategic interests.

By using these huge media outlets, NATO and EU are having a field day on making Russia a villain. Brainwashing the Ukrainians to think that the American money by the IMF will help them avert the oil crisis these selfish people created, unless you count that, Russia wants Ukraine pay the debt to its oil importation or else, bye bye EU's oil source.

If not oil, Ukraine has a rich ricefield and fertile plains to the envy of Barrack Hussein Obama's America that continues to decline in the Stock exchange. I thought before that, Serbia is the bottom or second step on the staircase to Russia but now, it seems that Ukraine is the true bottom step towards Russia.

And i wonder about something.

CNN is ignoring the Ukrainian fascistic parties. Is this the free media? If i have a chance to talk to Barrack Obama, i wil ask these questions:

1. Why is America interfering on Ukraine's internal affairs?
2. Why your government supports the Ukrainian fascist parties?
3. Why the media mentions that the Odessa victims started the clashes and not the military junta?
4. Haven't you known what happened in 1999 and your vice president Biden made racist remarks against Serbs?
5. Are you only after Russian oil and Ukrainian ricefields?

Please share this and may those evil men know what they are doing.

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