Sunday, May 18, 2014


People helping each other to build sandbag shields against the waters near Sremska Mitrovica(picture courtesy of Countries that have not recognized Kosovo Facebook page)

From what i learned from this facebook page "Countries that have not recognized Kosovo", the Balkan neighbors helped Srbija and Bosna, ranging from Hrvatska to Makedonija and others.

That is from Wikipedia, but were is Albania? Japan, the country i am right now is fair enough more, sending money to both Bosna i Srbija. Where are the other countries not mentioned there or even helping without the news? Can't even other rich countries send help? If you would ask me, i will help them if i am there.

Good for Srbija is that, almost everyone helped from within. Notable Delije and Grobari supporters, KK Crvena Zvezda players, OFK Beograd, Dejan Lazarević(lost during the rescue efforts) and others. Even people helped animals and animals helped each other as well.

Yet, CNN and BBC is idle when reporting about the flooding, which was criticized so much by Serbian Tennis Champion Novak Đoković, describing the lack of reporting by this big news outlets as idle. Good thing that, more people who loved Srbija and knew the Balkans(Bosna too and others) prayed for the people affected and donated what they can donate for them. I actually envy those who donated everything or what they can do because i have to hide from my parents this love and support for Srbija. Yet, the only thing i can give Srbija i Bosna is, Molitva. Yes, Molitva is the Serbian term for a prayer. Sincere prayers will strengthen the people affected to stand up and fight the rising waters as they will live on after everything would be fine.

Molim, Molitva Za Srbija! Hvala Ti

I contacted my Srbi brate i sestra just this Saturday(May 17th) with effort and continuity since, i cared for their country and if they are in good hands. Some of them are safe, but most are affected by these rising waters. I also learned from a friend, Tami, that the Meteorological agency used the name "Tamara" so she was a bit unwell. I told everyone i knew that, Help is On the Way or i will pray for their safety or any goodwill thoughts from my heart to make sure there spirits will high.

Continue helping Bosnia and Serbia to fight the rising waters of the Sava and Danube and pray for their safety more and their strength!

Hvala Svako moja brate i sestra +++

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