Monday, April 21, 2014

Georgia - Gruzija

Is country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. An Asian state geographically and having a European identity. I knew this country even before i want to convert to Orthodoxy. Ever since reading geographical and historical books, i was enchanted in this peaceful, deliquent and resilient state. With people working together and almost everyone doing their part to protect what was left for them, this could be one of the last places on earth to remain committed to Christ and protects their environment, small economy and moral standards than most of Western Europe.

Only second or third in the world for establishing Orthodox Christianity as their official religion(contemporary Georgia is a secular state), is considered to be one of the oldest national church of any state, with Armenia officially the first. A friend of mine before told me that a church named Gergeti was where the people went to pray as a whole when there were times of trouble. 

Georgia survived everything, from the schism of the Armenian church, Latin Roman religious incursions, Mongol invasion, Imperial Russian colonialism and Soviet persecution. But would they survive EU invasion and American geopolitical strategic interests against Russians? Would Russia and Georgia reconcile in the future? Would the old wounds heal between the Armenian and Georgian churches?

Also, i managed to know from a the same friend that, Georgia has one of the best vineyards on earth. How i wish to grt a taste of Georgian wine when i get there. And, it was an honor to everyone that the current Gruzijski Patrijarh Ilija II(Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia) would baptize their infant child since he told everyone that he will baptize every infant, the spark of the birthrate revival which they needed to preserve their religion, culture and way of life.

If that day comes, would i be able to see a Georgia, still one of the most beautiful countries in the world and one of my favorite future pilgrimage destinations? I hoped so.

To the Georgian people, stand united and maintain what God gave you since the time of Saint Nino and the kings and queens of the Georgian state. +++

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