Monday, April 14, 2014

Sveti Knez Lazar(The reasons why i chose him as my future baptism saint)

The headless incorupt body of Prince Lazar

When i became infatuated with learning about the Orthodox church, i learned about this country, Serbia(Srbija) and knew what was their local church. I searched more and then i saw what the world did on this poor and small country. What made me focus more on my faith is that, God will lead me to a saint that put himself to battle the Turks rather than to surrender and let the Serbian nation down. Like his famous curse states:

"Whoever is a Serb and of Serb birth
And of Serb blood and heritage
And comes not to the Battle of Kosovo,
May he never have the progeny his heart desires!
Neither son nor daughter
May nothing grow that his hand sows!
Neither dark wine nor white wheat
And let him be cursed from all ages to all ages!"
When i saw that curse, i thought if i would do the same for my country if another country invades. And since i am a nationalistic guy and a religious one(not that so much), i chose him ever since. I pray to God for Prince Lazar's intercessions to give me strength and overcome the pains in my life like how he pushed his people to resist Ottoman invasion with God's promise of a heavenly kingdom than an earthly and temporary one that only saints desire like Prince Lazar.

This is a prayer to Prince Lazar's intercessions:
A Prayer to Prince Lazar(Engleski)

   Come to our aid, wherever you may be,
   Look down upon my small offering,
   and place it among the many,
   for I praise you, not because I am worthy,
   but because my small mind compels me,
   and therefore I expect little reward.

   But you are not so generous,
   O my dear lord and holy martyr,
   with that which is perishable and transient
   as you are with the eternal and the glorious
   which you have received from God.

   Yet you have bountifully nourished me,
   a stranger among a foreign people.
   So now my prayer is twofold:
   nourish me,
   and calm the fierce storm
   in my soul and in my body.

 (Srpski Cirilica)
Красоту зажелевши славе Божије, у земаљском Њему благоугодио си, и уручени талант, добрим трудом удвостручио јеси. Њега ради и боривши се до крви, и отуд и плату за муке своје, као Мученик примио си од Христа Бога. Њега моли да спасе прослављаче твоје, Лазаре.

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