Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Predatory Capitalism

This is my short thoughts about Predatory Capitalism.
From my point of view, that term is what i got from watching the movie Weight of Chains.

The meaning is :''Denying other companies the opportunity to maximize their profits, through any means besides making a better product or keeping costs low. Examples of such unfair business practices are locking suppliers or customers into exclusive contracts, dropping price below cost to drive competitors out of the market, abusing control of access technologies, etc.''

It was successfully used by the American government, NATO, EU and the National endownment for democracy against Yugoslavia by dividing the seperatists and ture nationalists for their own interests. What is western hypocrisy doing in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Iraq was done in the 1990's so successfully that they had robbed the former Yugoslav republics of social, religious and economic structures altogether. Using one ethnic group after another to install capitalism on the Balkans.

One of the biggest examples is simple takeovers of small, medium and large business regardless of government and private owned home grown business and if they cannot do it legally, they will invade a country by bombing civilians, factories, tv stations, hospitals, power stations and a foreign embassy and later, sell new products that are western compatible goods and takeover all banks that will guarantee loans that will have a huge rate of interest and when the loanee has to buy some raw materials, it will borrow more and more, does the huge debt of a country persists like my native Philippines and my favorite country, Serbia.

If there would be a group of persons that will overthrow these kind of corrupt practice, we should take action now and start it by exposing the truth and do what is right and not to be ignorant forever.

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