Wednesday, April 30, 2014

World Economy is going down. Thanks to Barack Obama

American foreign policy. Wait, haven't i heard Husein Obama will be wanting to impose sanctions on Russia? Wait too! Not just sanctions on Russia but to supply the Jihadists in Syria try to win a losing war with Hezbollah or the Republican forces. Or, help abortion win more people to go to them rather than saving lives of unwanted babies. If not the earlier mentions, ensuring religious intolerance too and enslaving both blacks and whites into his own evil empire. Look at his policies! What a shame on him and his pro-terrorist policies in the Ukraine! Supporting a new breed of fascism! This is not what the Franklin Roosevelt have wanted or Dwight Eisenhower.

Since the time of Ronald Reagan, American foreign policy is very aggressive, starting by making Mikhail Gorbachev their own puppet, destroying communism the wrong way by establishing the National Endownment for Democracy(NED) to further their goals more. The IMF is the Western Powers' ally to enslave the third world.

The current sanctions of the world against Russia will worsen the world economy much more. If you remove Russia that has more buying powers than EU member states, the demands for Western and their allies' resources will drop while Russia will just find buyers anywhere because they use their brains and not their political maneuvering. It is a mystery but, my homeland is also affected by the Ukrainian crisis directly or indirectly and also the OFW's in EU member states.

Would you still support a man that prioritizes terrorism and global meltdown?

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