Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tajna Večera

Holy Thursday or the Last supper. The night before Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus Christ for 30 silver coins. Well, betrayal is the most henious crime made by every historical figure and they would either get executed or would commit suicide if they realized they did wrong. Judas did the latter and it was too late. 

Away from the betrayal topic, I want to make a reflection out of this day before I work and something that Jesus did for us. I realized things in my life that were in fact, INCOMPLETE. I am not that of a strong guy, evidenced of my softness and lack of will to do things I want, like converting to Orthodox Christianity, changing jobs eventually and the promise of my ex-girlfriend. With all those turbulence, all I can pray to God is to help me live through it all because I am not that of a special guy. I don't even have enough talent to secure a much better job but I just can't lose in life. I have to sacrifice more and more because that is what we have to do, like what Jesus did as an offering to everyone. A salvation of unconditional parameters and what is truly right.

On that very night, Christ made the eucharist, divided the bread and wine, which was delivered equally to the apostles. The meaning is that before he would be nailed to the cross, he would tell everyone this is my body/blood which would be given uo to you or should I say, sacrifice.

How many people these days can sacrifice for what is right or do something for the common good of all? A few, whether guys like me who just makes articles on their respective blogs to awaken the people's minds and hearts or those people who are willing to be punished, just to correct what is wrong in our modern society.

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