Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Orthodox Christianity Survived in the Middle East

An important thing to hear that you will never hear from mainstream media. Does anyone wonder why Orthodox Christianity survived in the Middle East? I know the answer. It is simple.

They were protected during the Islamic Empire building period despite their dwindling numbers. It is a surprise to me as well but they will remain there, because of divine intervention and will return once all conflicts will be gone. Surviving didn't just depend on prayer alone but by work as well. Some of the Christians would be on a high position, even pay the Islamic tax and also do everything to protect their own faith and practices. Look at Syrians who practice the Greek Orthodox Christians. They would be in a high position in Syrian society like Michel Aflaq, Constantine Zureiq, Dawoud Rajiha and others who serve their country patriotically and practice their faith properly.

However, it is important to note that the American-led funding to the Fake Syrian Army made the Orthodox Christians an endangered minority. Bashar Al-Assad's Syria made the Christians have a good part of society. Saddam's Iraq, Christianity remain untouched. I will not make an explanation because it is obvious.

Only a foreign intervention in favor of the wrong group will try to wipe them out but will never back down. Prayer and work, Orthodoxy will remain till Jesus Christ returns.

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